Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25: feeling good

Woke up too early, did a little yoga with Jasper hovering around me squealing "Wiiiiiii!" Felt better after that. I've been focusing my yoga workouts on keeping my core really firm and strong. I can't see a difference yet, but I am feeling more balanced, especially during anything I do on one foot or raised on my toes. And I can reach past my toes now when I do the sun salutation. I feel good, like I am making progress.

I can start to see the merest glimpse of an indent in my cheeks these days. And
my belly is getting softer, which means I am losing some fat. So that's good, too.

Posting from my phone because I can't stand to be at my computer anymore today. I sat for too long. So I will keep this short.

I ate a really healthy lunch, but then we had frozen mac and cheese for dinner. Not my finest health moment, but it was planned for and I'm still within my points for the day. Sticking to my points is getting easier, and I am not feeling horribly hungry during the day. I'm also drinking a lot more water.

Focus for tomorrow: exercise, and if my
work schedule will allow, a pedicure. I've been putting it off for too long. Just need to go do it so my feet feel good!

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