Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

I decided not to wait this year. Not to wait for the hangover to go away, or to get all of my resolutions printed on pretty paper, or even to get them all fully resolved, before I really got started. I decided last week that on January 1, I was going to start tracking my weight again on WW, cutting out the unhealthy carbs that are keeping me so foggy, and sticking with my program even on my birthday (coming up next week), because it always throws me off track. I am just starting on January 1 and sticking with it.

So today I tracked my points, and I came in under my allotted total. I kept my carbs down, and even though we went out to dinner (not really part of the plan, but we didn't have a specific plan yet), I just had a salad with protein, and then a few bites of dessert. (We got creme brulee because Jasper had never had it before.)  It's a qualified success. I would have liked to have had a really clean eating day, but we had too much going on -- the kids were here and we were tired from last night. Usually that would be my cue to say fuck it and just starting tomorrow, or next week, or maybe February.

But I started today. I'm moving toward my values of being healthy, energetic, and trimmer. For me and for my family.

Here are my goals:

  • To track my points every day, and stay under my weekly total (including flex and activity points)
  • To make meal plans every week and then stick to them
  • To eat real, healthful food for the majority of my meals, and keep my "white" foods to a minimum (I am not sure how strict I want to be about this at first. Right now, I am all shopped up and there's not much in the way of carbs in the house. I'm keeping it that way for now.)
  • To exercise for 30 minutes or more, at least 5 days a week
  • To write in this blog every week day (at least) about how I am feeling, what I'm eating, and anything else that seems pertinent
  • To stick with it, even on holidays and even when I don't feel like it
  • To lose an average of 1.5 pounds a week for the next 13 weeks
  • To revisit these goals at the end of March and make new goals for the next quarter


  1. Sounds like great goals! For what it's worth, I'd focus mostly on the "to do" goals rather than the one results-oriented goal ("lose an average of..."). I mean, if you take the actions you've listed, you'll probably meet that goal, but if you don't, so what? You'll still be healthier. Of course, 1.5 pounds per week will--I would guess--be almost certain if you're doing all those things.

    In any case, keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Sherck! Thanks for your comment and encouragement!

    I totally see what you mean, and in fact I hesitated before putting that goal in. I think the weight loss will be basically a by-product of sticking to the other goals, but I didn't want to leave out that my ultimate goal really is to lose weight this year. But I agree, if I hit the goal, so much the better, but if I don't, I'm still making progress!
