Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18: PMS

Yesterday I was really wanting one of those ice cream sandwiches that I resisted so easily last week. I wanted something; I was unsatisfied and grumpy (this happens once a month... you know how it is). I told toph I really was thinking about ice cream. he said, "You've already eaten a lot of points today, you told me that an hour ago."  He was right. I had told him. Which was good, because it helps to keep me accountable. Used to be, I wouldn't tell him how much progress I was making or if I was sort of failing or flaking out, because then he would know, and stop me when I wanted ice cream.  Now, he knows when I've had enough (because I tell him) and when I try to go off plan, he stops me, because I want him to, and because he wants to support me.

So that's a little win.

I stuck to my points today, rather more easily, and didn't have ice cream even though I wanted some. I'm still sort of PMSing, which is why the ice cream seems like such a damn good idea, but now that I know that's what is happening, it will be easier to manage.

We ended up off plan for dinner, which happens. We went to see a friend's brand new baby, and had to hurry to get there at a good time for her.  So dinner was tacos from King Burrito, but I was very reasonable and didn't get anything with cheese, and gave Jasper most of my sour cream. Small choices add up, right?

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